Hey, it’s Katharine. I’m here, wherever that may be. I’m here to write and I’m here to listen. I’m curious and I want to tell stories about what I find digging around in the messy beauty that is this world. I do that because it helps me know how to better walk in this world.

I’d like to show you how to go about doing that too.

I’m glad you’re here. Thanks for listening…


Katharine Locke Johnson lives in Florence, Italy, her jump-off point for connecting people to the heart and soul of beautiful places and the people who live there. Sometimes that means bringing people to Italy, and sometimes that means bringing people to themselves. She does this through travel, through deep listening, and through online classes where she teaches her “Writing From Here” practice of self reflection.

Want to know more?

Please get in touch !

You can find me at kath@kathinitaly or just fill in the form below